Government Subsidies for EV Charging Stations in Spain

If you’ve decided to drive an electric car in Mallorca, there are plenty of public charging stations available on the island. Almost every supermarket, golf course, and public parking lot offers EV charging stations. However, it’s more convenient to charge your electric car at home. For this purpose, wall boxes are ideal.

Iberia Energy, in collaboration with experienced partners who are leaders in their field, offers high-quality home charging stations. The basic equipment is a 22 KW charging station priced at 950 EUR plus installation. The modern charging station can, of course, be controlled via an app and is usually ready for use within 2 weeks of order placement.

The generous subsidies for the installation of charging stations in Mallorca are worth mentioning. We explain what kind and how much support can be applied for.

The Spanish government has set a goal that by 2050, mobility should be emission-free. To achieve this, it was decided to close the price gap between combustion and plug-in models with a financial aid called MOVES (MOVilidad Eficiente y Sostenible).

The Plan Moves III is the third edition of the support program for electromobility. It is part of the European Recovery Program and has a budget of 400 million euros, distributed as direct aid for electromobility and charging infrastructure. The government has committed to doubling these funds if there is sufficient demand.

The aid for the installation of a charging station corresponds to a percentage of the eligible costs and varies depending on the type of beneficiary.
For individuals, self-employed, homeowner associations, and administrations without economic activity, the corresponding aid is 70%, except for facilities in communities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, where the aid is 80% of the eligible costs.

Companies and public institutions that install a publicly accessible charging station with a capacity of more than 50 kW can receive a subsidy of 35%. The aid is 40% for facilities in communities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants. If the billed company is a medium-sized or small company, the aid percentage increases by 10 or 20 percent.

For companies or public institutions with economic activity that opt for the installation of a private or public charging station with a capacity of less than 50 kW, the MOVES 3 aid is 30% of the eligible costs and 40% for installations in communities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants.

This is a significant contribution that significantly reduces the final costs of the project. For example, an individual who installs a charging station at home and has paid 1,500 € for the installation of the station can receive a subsidy of 867.7 €. If the aid recipient lives in a community with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, the MOVES-III aid amounts to 991.7 €, bringing the final costs for the installation of the charging station to around 508 €.

The Plan MOVES 3 also provides aid for homeowner associations that want to make pre-installations or installations of charging stations; these measures are also eligible, and the aid can result in a reduction of up to 80% of the project costs excluding VAT.

Beneficiaries of the aid can be: natural persons, homeowner associations, legal entities, and other organizations whose tax number begins with the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J, R, or W, as well as other institutions and the public institutional sector.

Eligible costs include the charging station, protective measures, the legalization of the installation, construction work, technology, and project management costs. In short, in most cases, the aid is calculated by multiplying the subsidy percentage with the project costs excluding VAT.

The installation of a charging station, carried out and invoiced after April 10, is deemed eligible if the final beneficiary is an individual, self-employed, homeowner association, or administration without economic activity.

For companies or administrations with economic activity, a MOVES-III aid must be applied for before the installation is carried out.

This is one of the novelties of MOVES III compared to MOVES II, which mainly benefits individuals, as they do not have to wait for their autonomous community’s publication of MOVES 3 to receive subsidies for their facility.

The incentive program for efficient and sustainable mobility is valid until the end of 2023, and the funds provided for the MOVES-III plan can be increased to 800 million if there is sufficient demand.

For the installation of charging stations in Andalusia, Galicia, and the Madrid Community, the installation company must submit the aid application.
In the remaining autonomous communities, the beneficiary is responsible for the procedure.

The MOVES-3 regulations provide for a limit of 5,000 € per dossier for individuals and a limit of 800,000 € per dossier for companies, administrations, and homeowner associations.

YOU MIGHT ALSO BE INTERESTED IN: How to apply for government subsidies when purchasing an electric car.


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