This year, 70,000 hectares of land in Spain have already fallen victim to devastating forest fires, setting a new record. The causes of these fires are clear, yet Spain struggles to learn from them.
Current television images show apocalyptic scenes: farmers desperately trying to stop the flames and train passengers observing the fires from the tracks. Since the beginning of the year, areas affected are already twice as much as the average of the last ten years.
Climate change and the extreme heatwave in July are the main causes of these fires. The intensity is further heightened by the combination of extreme dryness and record temperatures.
Spain and the Mediterranean region are particularly affected by climate change. The fires are becoming more dangerous and harder to control. Firefighters are calling for more personnel, and it is necessary to raise awareness of the fire hazard and the responsible handling of fire in society.
Most fires are caused by humans, either unintentionally through agricultural activities or intentionally through arson. Prevention measures and better education are urgently needed.
Read what to do in case of a fire here
Experts also call for measures to make the heat more bearable, as it can cause not only fires but also human fatalities. In July, over 500 people in Spain have already died due to the high temperatures.
1. Reporting fires: If you notice a fire, report it immediately to the local police or fire department. The sooner a fire is reported, the quicker rescue teams can respond and prevent its spread.
2. Vigilance in nature: If you’re out in nature, be particularly careful with flammable materials such as glass bottles or cigarettes. Deposit litter in designated containers and respect nature and its beauty.
Fire prevention is a shared responsibility. Everyone can contribute to preventing forest fires. Through vigilance and conscious actions, we can reduce the risk of fires in summer in Spain.
Stay safe and help protect our valuable natural resources.