Iberia Insurance Broker, SLU
Boulevard de Santa Ponsa
Gran Via Puig de Castellet 1, Local 2
07180 Santa Ponsa Mallorca, Spain
C.I.F.: B57724825
Commercial Registry of Palma de Mallorca, Page PM-68132, Volume 2471, Folio 164
DGS: J-3743
Managing Director:
Denise Latocha
Tel: +34 971 69 90 96
Fax: +34 971 69 90 97
* If you send us an email, your email address will be stored electronically by us until you revoke it at any time. We refer to the content of our privacy policy and our imprint with the mandatory legal notices.
Content Responsible according to § 5 TMG:
Denise Latocha
Boulevard de Santa Ponsa
Gran Via Puig de Castellet 1, Local 2
07180 Santa Ponsa Mallorca, Spain
Email: *
* If you send us an email, your email address will be stored electronically by us until you revoke it at any time. We refer to the content of our privacy policy and our imprint with the mandatory legal notices.
- The commercial activity of insurance brokers is regulated in Act No. 26/2006, of July 17, 2006 on the mediation of private insurances, thereby guaranteeing the protection of customer rights.
- For your information and in accordance with our legal obligations, we inform you that
- Iberia Insurance Broker SL complies with all legally established requirements and is registered in the insurance broker register under No. J2939, which can be viewed on the website of Dirección general de Seguros y fondos de pensiones
- b) Iberia Insurance Broker SL has taken out professional liability insurance,
- that Iberia Insurance Broker SL has the financial strength required by Article 27 of Act No. 26/2006,
- that Iberia Insurance Broker SL has a customer service department that processes and resolves customer complaints and claims through Colegio de Mediadores de Seguros
- that Iberia Insurance Broker SL treats your data confidentially in accordance with Article 5 del LO 15/1999 of personal data protection and appended information.
- Brokers and brokerage offices are the only specialists who provide professional and impartial advice against insurers. Therefore, the insurance offers created are subjected to an objective analysis. At least three offers from different insurers are created to enable an evaluation that leads to the correct coverage of your needs and requirements.
- According to Article 29 of Act 26/2006 of July 17, we inform you that Iberia Insurance Broker SL derives its income and fees from insurance companies on the basis of policy creation, addenda, and new production.
- Iberia Insurance Broker SL also informs you about the content of Article 21 of Act 50/1980, of October 08 of the insurance contract. Here, information transmitted to the insurer on behalf of the policyholder has the same effect as if the policyholder himself communicates it, subject to contrary instructions from the policyholder. Through this document and in consideration of the free decision of the participants, the customer hereby authorizes the broker to obtain offers, modify or cancel existing contracts, and create new contracts in the name of the customer for better protection of the customer’s rights.