What is to be considered in burglaries on Mallorca

2018-05-01T16:54:24+02:00October 15th, 2015|

When building / homeowner insurance is taken out, it is sometimes underestimated that in the case of a break-in, the details given at the time of the contract are taken very seriously. In general, it is first checked whether all agreed fuses were actually available If an alarm system is stipulated as a backup in [...]

Drones – the unrecognized risk?

2018-09-24T12:38:10+02:00October 8th, 2015|

In 2015, so many drones (also called Copter ) were sold as never before. In the meantime, copters are affordable for everyone and can be controlled by the user from the ground using their smartphone, computer or tablet. A simple hobby drone is already available for less than 100 euros. The flying of drones is [...]

What should the right business Insurance cover?

2019-03-26T22:48:44+01:00October 1st, 2015|

Business Insurance The business insurance can not protect you from damage, but protect you from its financial consequences. There are different business insurances in the market. In the best case, these contract models take into account the industry-specific risks and threats. Some examples:   Estate Agents - Loss of customer key or liability to property [...]

How does the Spanish health care work?

2019-11-04T16:18:38+01:00September 21st, 2015|

The Spanish Social Security is divided into two large systems. The general system "régimen general" is mostly insured by employees. In addition, there are special systems "régimenes especiales" for the self-employed, freelancers, etc. The Social Security provides a basic social service , which refers exclusively to social security physicians and hospitals. In case of illness, [...]

Age poverty – pessimism or sad truth?

2024-09-14T06:30:29+02:00September 17th, 2015|

Old-age poverty – pessimism or sad truth? According to recent studies, the majority of Europeans are worried about slipping into old-age poverty or becoming a nursing case. In the countries of southern Europe, which have been hit hard by the debt crisis, the fear of poverty is particularly widespread. The high unemployment rate also threatens [...]

The advantages of the internationally operating insurance broker in modern Europe

2024-09-01T12:28:33+02:00September 12th, 2015|

Why is the insurance broker a valuable service provider? In the united Europe new opportunities have arisen for the insurance broker and additional obligations have been imposed. The Insurance Broker is now required to create multiple comparison offers from different insurance companies, thus creating transparency and comparison opportunities for the customer. The new European Insurance [...]

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